Senin, 25 November 2013

Functional text

There are kinds of functional text :

1. Greeting cards
2. Short message
3. Invitation letter
4. Announcement
5. Labels
6. Advertisment
7. Letters 

Here is the explanation about GREETING CARDS 

1. Greeting cards are a letter (usually decorated with pictures) that are used to give congratulations, praying for someone, and so on. The form of greeting cards, for example greeting cards, greeting card grief / sympathy and get-well cards.
Important things that need in make greeting cards are :
1) Who is the sender of the card and is sent
2) What is the purpose of the writer to send a card
3) What is the relationship and the sender sent
4) Why does the author to send a card
Here are examples of greeting cards
Example 1

 Example 2

Example 3 
Exercise 1
Answer the following questions by clicking the radio button!
1. From the text, we know that.....

2. Your achievement proves that you're the best. The underlined word means.....

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